Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aidan, Unplugged.

Today was the second day of the whole open heart surgery. First day of recovery :) When I got there and Aidan was awake and responsive to the nurses and us. He was being himself when he decided to tell the nurse "kiss my aspirin". That made my day in knowing that my cuz was back. Oh! Aidan was also moved out of "the bay" and into his own room. Instead of looking at a brick wall he has a better view. Today there was sun :)

Today was the day he got the IV out of his neck and arm I believe. He was so thrilled and was AMAZING with the procedure. The nurses are sp fantastic with him. Before doing anything they ask him first and then they tell him what EXACTLY they are going to do. They also show him everything they are using. It's so pleasing, well to me at least, that they are so amazing with him and are talking things through with him. I can't get over it.

Around 2:35 is when they took out the neck IV and it was really fun for him to see after the fact. He was really into seeing the tube that came out of his neck. (there's something I couldn't do if I were him) I thought that was so cute though.

I cannot stress the fact that he's been so amazing with everything he has to do to recover. Linnea (my aunt) will ask him what hurts or if he needs anything and he responds with an answer to help everything out. I think it's great!

Although I am no doctor, I'm, more or less, doing what I can to keep the spirits up of my aunt and uncle. I tell them "I'm here for comic relief". I also can't wait until Aidan feels well enough to explore the cool TV/Internet thing. I feel like he'll get a huge kick out of that. It's a movie collection at his fingertips. I'll be heading back to the hospital for a couple hours after class today. I'm just sad I had to leave for class.

That's all for now. Again, some images from the day to follow. :)

1 comment:

  1. Em,
    Thanks so much for posting these updates and sharing your thoughts. I've gotten a kick out of following your blog these past few days and it also helps in knowing a little more how eveyione is doing, including you.
