Saturday, January 30, 2010

Plush heart can make everything better.


Today was great for the most part for Aidan. He walked several times, twice when I was there and once before I got there. When I arrived Linnea had come back from the Barnes and Noble that was downstairs in the hospital with some books. One for me (the art of sign phrases) and a couple things for Aidan. One thing in particular this book called "Fail". It's a book of signs and crazy things that are just wrong.

Linnea and I read through the whole book before he even got to look at it and we were just cracking up. Our laughter made Aidan crack up as well. I turned to Wayne and said "That's the first time I've heard him laugh in days." It really really made me smile knowing that he was getting pleasure out of us laughing. From that point all I could think about is how "laughter is the best medicine." And it made me think about how far he's gotten since the other day. He was up and around walking today and even playing Simpsons Road Rage on the laptop. That we all enjoyed listening to him play.

The only downside to today was when he requested pain meds but when the nurse went to go put them in his IV he didn't really like the feeling. The only other times I've seen meds go into his IV was when he was a lot more tired and "drugged" I guess. Because this time was especially awful for him. I felt so bad. It ended maybe 25 minutes later after some fighting about having the meds put in or not he decided to put them in. It was really upsetting to see him sob like that and not be able to be there for him like a big cousin should be. But I think somewhere inside him he knows that this little discomfort in the long run is going to pay off.

I love my cousin. Also, his parents are some of the most supportive parents in the world. Just thought I should let everyone know to tip their hats off to Wayne and Linnea. They are absolutely fantastic.
Love you guys <3

(Photos to follow. I was feeling inspired today so there are a lot. Again, it's with my cellphone.)

Friday, January 29, 2010


Nacho Libre

I Feel like today's report might be short but not any less fantastic. So today was great! I showed up at the hospital around...1:45 ish and Aidan had been sitting in the chair for an hour already! It was amazing :) He stayed there, in total, for an hour and a half with little pain. He was just really sleepy around the end of the hour and a half. From what I can see he is moving along amazingly :)

Wayne keeps reminding Aidan that the faster he gets his walking stuff done the sooner he can go home. I really think it's helping.

My little cousin is the bravest kid I know. He's been doing great. We all know that this is hard, especially for a 13 year old, but he's doing great. This kid is fantastic and I can't stop saying it.

That's all for now. Some images will follow :)

Toll please.

This whole week or two has been so exhausting. And I can't quite figure out why I can't sleep. I got from 9-9 basically then I come home and theoretically should pass out right? wrong. I like wake up when I get home. I don't know, I think there is something about my apartment that wakes me up. So stupid. Anyways, I figured I would blog now because I have nothing else to do.

Buddha (my fish) is feeling a lot better I think. I cleaned his water as soon as I got home, which I think helped immensely.

Tomorrow I have class from 10-12 then probably going back to Strong Hospital to visit Aidan. I wanna see the progress just from a few hours. It will probably be great, because he's been trucking along so far. That kid is just absolutely amazing, and blows my mind more and more each day with how well the whole recovery process is going. I wish I were more like him.

I guess I'll post a picture of myself. Why? I don't know really. Maybe I'll just so the progression of my exhaustion...that would be fun.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New room, new feeling

new view, and sun!

Aidan, Unplugged.

Today was the second day of the whole open heart surgery. First day of recovery :) When I got there and Aidan was awake and responsive to the nurses and us. He was being himself when he decided to tell the nurse "kiss my aspirin". That made my day in knowing that my cuz was back. Oh! Aidan was also moved out of "the bay" and into his own room. Instead of looking at a brick wall he has a better view. Today there was sun :)

Today was the day he got the IV out of his neck and arm I believe. He was so thrilled and was AMAZING with the procedure. The nurses are sp fantastic with him. Before doing anything they ask him first and then they tell him what EXACTLY they are going to do. They also show him everything they are using. It's so pleasing, well to me at least, that they are so amazing with him and are talking things through with him. I can't get over it.

Around 2:35 is when they took out the neck IV and it was really fun for him to see after the fact. He was really into seeing the tube that came out of his neck. (there's something I couldn't do if I were him) I thought that was so cute though.

I cannot stress the fact that he's been so amazing with everything he has to do to recover. Linnea (my aunt) will ask him what hurts or if he needs anything and he responds with an answer to help everything out. I think it's great!

Although I am no doctor, I'm, more or less, doing what I can to keep the spirits up of my aunt and uncle. I tell them "I'm here for comic relief". I also can't wait until Aidan feels well enough to explore the cool TV/Internet thing. I feel like he'll get a huge kick out of that. It's a movie collection at his fingertips. I'll be heading back to the hospital for a couple hours after class today. I'm just sad I had to leave for class.

That's all for now. Again, some images from the day to follow. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I heart you

Kind of just a summary of the day.

This white haired woman later, I heard, collapsed somewhere in the hospital.

Stay strong at Strong.

Today my 13 year old cousin underwent open heart surgery. It was a long long day. Actually I just got back from the hospital at 9:40 ish. It was a bunch of waiting of visiting and taking care of family.

I basically lived my day around a golden girls quote (go figure)
"Sometime when were scared we all have our own little ways of getting through it. Mine is making little jokes, that's all." -Sophia

I was there for what felt like 2 hours but actually all day. The doctors and nurses work so well with my cousin. He is highly autistic and just getting him to do simple things is very very hard.
I visited my family last night as they were staying at the RIT Inn and I brought over my playstation, which my cousin loves to play with, so he wouldn't be nervous the night before he went in. He, honestly, was the least nervous person out of the bunch. Which I thought was funny, but that's the kind of kid he is.

Today went very well. They started the surgery around 9-9:30 ish and it only lasted till around 2:30. It felt like it went by so fast. While we were waiting in the family lounge every time some doctor or nurse or social worker would come in there my heart would start racing like something was wrong. Thank God there was no bad news. People were constantly posting stuff on my facebook and my aunts as well giving us well wishes and support. It was amazing.

I'm going to upload the photos I took today, although its a lot it's only half of what is on my phone. I would have brought my point and shoot but I didn't know hospital edict. So sorry for that.

That's all for now. There is always tomorrow.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

DSLR test

My DSLR test from two nights ago for my man made landscapes :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I hate rubix cubes!

My final product for my 2D project

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Andy 2D far.

We had to create a "plate" with mixed media describing a famous person in history. I picked Andy Warhol. :) This is my "plate" on top of Andy's picture.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010

Brett Ratner

I'm currently doing a 2d project on Andy Warhol and I've been researching photographs of him. This one I stumbled upon and I thought it was pretty fantastic. It's from a photo booth in the home of Brett Ratner.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010

God 2D sucks.


The reason I haven't been online is because I ended up going on vacation and had zero internet. I collected some of my food images and some random ones from the week.